Distribution : (Holthuis, 1972: 36) Juan Fernandez Island (type locality, about 33°38'S, 79°W), New Zealand, Lord Howe Island, Easter Island (Hanga Roa), 25-128m - Shallow-waters (12-128m); Hard bottom.
Regional Data (French Polynesia, Pitcairn, Easter Island, Clipperton)Distribution & Ecology: Easter Island.
Regional Records: EASTER ISLAND - Rhynchocinetes balssi - Holthuis, 1972: 35 (Easter Island, Hanga Roa, bottom rock, coral and sand, 40' - 12m). - DiSalvo et al., 1988: 468, 469 (scuba dives, 15-60 m; "Crevices at various depths between 10 and 50 m contained ... Rhincocinetes balssi..").
Depth distribution: 0 - 50 m
References : compilation of references cited in Poupin (1996, 1998, 2003) and Poupin et al. (2009) -
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